Monday, 1 November 2010

Why Child Labour never stops?

Hi there,i had previously written and presented an essay regarding on Child Labour during the workshop3, and figured that many of you might be interested in the issue/ example that brought up in the essay. 
We love Shopping,especially girls/women. 
And I supposed if you are living in England, you must know about PRIMARK. It is well known for Cheap goods, and the quality seems perfectly fine for the price tag.

But wait a minute, Did anyone of us actually sat down and think about how and why that actually happened?
What is the story behind?

Discount clothing store Primark has sacked three Indian clothing supply firms after the BBC's Panorama programme found refugee children slaving away in factories for as little as 60p a day making sequinned vests.
Last October, kids as young as 10 were found making clothes for Gap Kids in Delhi. And in 2006, children of eight were found working in Delhi sweatshops, attaching Swarovski sequins and beads to clothing destined for the UK and the US.
Research shows that an estimated of 158 million children aged from five to 14 work in hazardous situations around the world.
The use of child labour has been condemned by human rights groups. But the lack of law enforcement is not sufficient to protect the children. Apart from that, the corporation from the public( in this case, the consumer) should be aware about the use of child labour.Consumers need to make it clear to retailers that this is unacceptable. The question today, how many consumer actually cares the exploitation of the children in the poorer country more than the price that they paying for the clothes?
There're news that I read from BBC online that shows that Primark's reaction on ditching their suppliers, but clearly this does not solve the problem as a whole,but simply to show the public that they're taking responsibilities on this matter.

There are regulation in practice that intends to help more of the problem in child labour, but one of the most encouraging factors that child labour is still in practice-apart from the poverty in the poorer country, is the demand  from the commercial market for a low-priced goods. 

References from the Internet:

Hope you enjoyed it!

Raychelle CM Tan

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